Utah Bernedoodles Puppies
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​Top quality Bernedoodles Standard Bernedoodles, Mini Bernedoodles, and Tiny Bernedoodle puppies. "Often imitated, never duplicated" 

Bernedoodles can be prone to hip, elbow dysplasia and eye problems. Just like most other breeds they can get cancer. Genetic testing can reduce the health concerns for Bernedoodles. 

Bernese Mountain Dogs need to be tested in  Hips, Elbow, Vwd, and eyes. 

Standard Poodles need to be tested for Hips, Eyes, Thyroid, and heart.

Mini Poodles need to be tested in Eyes, Hips, and Vwd.

Some Bernedoodles can have sensitive stomach as puppies. Watch for loose stool or diarrhea in your new puppy. If you switch their food it can cause diarrhea. 

If you want to know how long a Bernedoodle lives, first it is interesting to know that Bernedoodles tend to be healthier than their parents' breeds.

The Standard Bernedoodles live 10-12 years.
The Mini Berdoodles live 14-16 years.

The Tiny Bernedoodles live 14-16 years

Learn more about Bernedoodle life span here. 

Bernedoodles Breeders

What is The Bernedoodle Lifespan?

Bernedoodle Information-Bernese mountain dog poodle mix

What is The Bernedoodles Temperament Like?

Standard Bernedoodles range in size from 45-115 pounds 23-29 inches at the shoulder. The reason for this huge range is because standard poodles range in size tremendously. I have had standard Bernedoodle adult weight only 45 pounds, but that is uncommon. An experienced breeder should be able to tell you within about 10-20 pounds how big your puppy will be. In some occasions it is impossible to know. 

You can learn more about standard bernedoodles here

What Are The Health Concerns of a Bernedoodles?

What Colors do Bernedoodles Come In?

Bernedoodles come in many different colors and sizes. We focus on Tricolors, Sable tricolors, Brindles, Phantom, and Blue Merle Tricolors.

Some Bernedoodles have the same build as the poodle. We are working to produce Bernedoodle puppies that have more of the Bernese build. 

Standard Bernedoodle Size

What Size is a Bernedoodle?

Bernedoodle puppies

What is The F1, F1b and F2 Bernedoodle Generations?
F1 Bernedoodles are a first generation cross where the puppy is 50 percent Bernese Mountain Dog and 50 percent poodle.

F1b Bernedoodles are a backcross, puppies are 25 percent Bernese and 75 percent poodle.

F2 Bernedoodles are a second generation cross, which means an F1 Bernedoodle crossed with an F1 Bernedoodle.

Mini Bernedoodle Size

Tiny Bernedoodles range in size from 10-50 pounds and 12-20 inches at the shoulder. Tiny Bernedoodles are currently the smallest generation we breed at Utahbernedoodle. You can learn more about Tiny Bernedoodles here. 

What is The Bernedoodle Coat Like?

What Do Bernedoodles Look Like?

The Generations of the Bernedoodles

Mini Bernedoodles range in size from  18-65 pounds and 18-22 inches at the shoulder. If you need a dog that will stay under 50 pounds I would recommend a small mini or a tiny/f1b mini bernedoodle. You can learn more about mini bernedoodles here

Tiny Bernedoodle Size

A Bernedoodle is a Bernese Mountain Dog poodle mix. You can mix a standard, medium, or mini poodle to create a Bernedoodle.

A standard poodle Bernese mix is a standard Bernedoodle a mini poodle mixed with a Bernese is a mini Bernedoodle.

Bernedoodles come in black, black-white, black-white-brown, sable, brindle, chocolate, and phantom. The most common colors are black, black-white, and phantom. Utah Bernedoodles specializes in the striking Bernese tricolor pattern and Sable tricolor pattern. Check out some of our Tricolor Bernedoodles here.

Every Bernedoodle coat is different. The curlier the coat the less it will shed. Most Bernedoodles have the wavy hair coat that is low to no shed hair type. Most people with allergies are ok with this hair type.  Bernedoodles with a more curly coat are more like the poodle and will not shed.  It is very rare to have a bernedoodle with straight hair. The straighter the coat the more it will shed.
Brushing your Bernedoodle twice a week will make shedding less noticeable. Bernedoodles need to be brushed at least once a week to prevent mating. It is necessary to have your Bernedoodle clipped every few months, you can do this yourself or have a professional do it. 

What is a Bernedoodle?

Bernedoodles come in different sizes just like the poodle. They come in standard, mini, and tiny.

Bernedoodles tend to have the best attributes of both the Bernese and the poodle. They are fun, loving, goofy, sociable, confident dogs. They are very gentle around elderly and children and seem to know what people can handle. Because of this they make perfect therapy and service dogs. They are easy to train and love to work. Bernedoodles love to be around people. They do not do well in an outside kennel and need to be a part of the family. Like with any puppy Bernedoodles need training early. Training your Bernedoodle early is best for you and your Bernedoodle. If you feel like you need help please seek professional help. We offer training programs tailored to your specific needs. You can learn about our training programs here.